Knowing what your colour tools do...
This is a quick and rather unscientific test to show how different colour grading applications behave when using that most basic if...

I thought I'd try doing a tutorial... I've been using SGO Mistika and have also downloaded the companion compositing software from SGO...

Quantel Rio V4 run-through
Those nice folks at Snell Advanced Media - SAM, formerly Quantel and Snell - were kind enough to loan me a license for Quantel Rio V4...

Workflow tip - tweaking a roundtrip render
I think the way the 'round trip' workflow, rendering all the clips in a grade from DaVinci Resolve to an NLE is really handy. I'm more...
RGB Mixer tip
Thought I'd do another quick tutorial. Many colour grading applications have a function similar to the RGB Mixer in DaVinci Resolve but...
Cross-Atlantic grading
Someone just asked me about 'cross-Atlantic' grading... Is it possible for me to colour grade a job here in the USA if my client is in...
Old School. New Kit.
Becuase I was trained at the BBC - I was at Wood Norton back in the day - there are certain things I've come to expect and to rely upon...